• Edinburgh Dentures Logo

57 Duddingston Crescent
Edinburgh, EH15 3AY ,
Tel. 0131 669 2114

  • Feel Secure
    Improve on loose dentures with
    "Best Fit" or Implant Stabilised
    dentures. More affordable
    than you think.
  • Eat Happily
    Learn to order the foods you
    love not just the ones you
    think you will cope with.
    Enjoy life!
  • Feel Confident
    In your great natural smile.
    No one needs to know that you
    are wearing a denture.
    Smile with confidence!

Loose Partial Dentures and Part Denture Problems

Loose Partial Dentures

There are many potential causes of loose partial dentures, wear and tear, changes in your mouth or bite to name just a few. A thorough assessment of your situation allows us to understand why your denture does not feel secure enough and then move on to look at solutions to the problem. Clasps to retain dentures in place do help to stabilise dentures, however they are  are often visible and as such not popular with patients.

New techniques and alternative denture designs allow us to  create a better fitting and more secure denture for most of our patients. What's more you can enjoy the security of a more stable denture using claps that are almost entirely hidden from view.

We have many solutions to loose partial dentures our Edinburgh team find that there are 2 solutions that are more popular than most. These are Equipoise Dentures  which although removable are more secure than many more traditional dentures and  Dental Implants which can allow you to get rid of your denture all together.


To book a Free No Obligation Consultation to discuss your Denture Problems and how we might be able to help.

Just call our friendly reception team on 0131 669 2114 or request an appointment online



Partial Denture Tips

Loose Clasps

Partial dentures can be made more secure in several ways. Sometimes this is done through better clasping systems, sometimes through creating par all ell surfaces on neighboring teeth. Why not take advantage of a free consultation and see if our team can improve on your current denture situation.

Gum Problems and Dentures

If you suffer from gum disease your denture can make the problem worse by encouraging the build up of plaque or tartar around the gum line. Dentures can be designed to minimise this problem why not ask our team how.